"Cthulhu III/Cthulhu for President"
50x60 cm, mixed media on canvas
50x60 cm, mixed media on canvas
vote for him, he'll make it all end soon. This painting is getting mad props wherever I show it, so maybe people would even buy prints or so? I don't know, but let's see what we can do!
I've been pretty productive in the last few days, experimenting with different techniques and formats. Here are two other new pieces, both done in a very quick fashion. Another Cthulhu:

"Cthulhu IV", 40x50 cm,
acrylics on painting board
acrylics on painting board
I never get sick of that guy :D Painting this took about two evenings, that would be a quick painting (it's 40x50 cm, not large)
And this one is a depiction of a horror story local parents used to tell their kids to keep them away from the river, so they wouldn't drown: If you're alone by the water, the witch (she's got a strange german name I forgot, need to ask someone from there) will come out of the river and pull you down! Two friends of mine who grew up by that river only recently discovered that they had both heard this story when they were little. They also both agreed that it was very terrifying.

"The witch" (in lack of the real name),
40x30 cm, acrylics on painting board
40x30 cm, acrylics on painting board
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