Donnerstag, 12. März 2009

No image today

...instead I'd like to write a bit about the recent shooting at a german school. I can't stand the media reaction anymore. I never want to hear about video games, black coats, guns or "violent music" in this context again, because nothing of this has to do with the root of the problem.
It's also no solution to watch out for symptoms or closely control kids who might become a problem someday.

Millions of kids worldwide dress in black, play first person shooters, listen to metal and hate mankind, that's their way to cope with the angst and aggression that normally builds up in an adolescent person. That alone should make us think. Doesn't anybody in politics or the media realize that this generation has every reason to be mad? Being protected from all things hard and real for the first years of your life and then finding out that your are one of the gun-selling, clear-cutting, over-fishing, blood sucking evildoers that drove the world to the edge of destruction is a bitter pill to swallow.

Especially the demographic all those school murderers belonged to has a very good understanding of what's going wrong in the world, of how we, the industrialized nations, give a shit about the rest of the world and run from our responsibility. Then take into account that their peers usually behave as if they had no clue about those big topics, yet the goth kids and weirdos are isolated and ignored.

Those school shooters see very clearly that the majority prays to fake idols. They know how the consumer mentality is wrong for people, they see how shallow the mindset is that their peers celebrate. And they get mad when they see that all the other kids at school, who are mean to them, obviously don't care about the evil they are going to continue once they are old enough.

No add to that the fact that they never get the girl, that they get ridiculed and ignored, although they really are superior in a way, and you see what it's about.

Millions of kids feel like that. What makes some of them go out and kill everybody?

Look at it like this: The human psyche is a very complex thing. It takes years of socialisation to build it up, and over the course of millennia, it was normal that this took place among siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends of the family, other kids from the neighborhood and so on. Humans usually grow up in a web of responsibility. Kids take care of each other and rely on several adults to watch over them. In our "natural environment", we have close personal contact with many people from all age groups. It has been like that since the dawn of mankind. We should understand that we've gotten used to that. That it's a part of being human.

Well, within the last three generations, we have destroyed this structure. The natural environment we evolved in and adapted to is gone. The extended family is completely extinct in our culture, and school can't be a replacement, because they largely work against character development and favour those who shut up and blindly adapt, instead of encouraging children to look after each other and understand people.

Many people still manage to develop some social skills, because humans are smart, but we must not be surprised if some don't. It's exactly the same problem with young mothers killing their babies (wich happens every year here in Germany, especially in poor areas): they don't do that because they're evil, they simply don't know how to deal with the situation, because their cold social environment didn't let their brains pick up the necessary skills to take care for a child. Think of zoo animals. The mother polar bear kills her kid, because instead of snow and other polar bears, there's only concrete and yelling people around, so she doesn't learn how to be a proper polar bear. We understand that, so what's so hard about drawing the parallels to humans?

If we let the grown structures that built up mankind over hundreds of thousands of years suddenly crumble away in favour of a materialistic world where everybody lives only to consume, we must not be surprised if some of the mechanisms such a healthy social environment guarantees fall away.

So, people of the internet: Shut your face about those evil, evil killer kids, unless you understand that we, collectively made them.

I really had to get this off my system. There's not much painting going on at the moment, as I'm working on a video. That might become the topic of the next post.

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