Yay everyone, here's a new project, and a really different one, too.
Upon seeing my custom painted guitar (that one there on the right) on a gig a while ago, this metal dude asked me if we could maybe co-operate in the future.
Turned out he was totally dedicated guitar player, or even guitar nerd, as he quit school in order to have more time to practice and even build electric guitars on his own.
Some months went by when he (who is named Thomas, by the way) approached me on another show and showed me his new, hand-built, edgy heavy metal axe, which he apparently assembled from hand-picked parts that he ordered from all over the world. Of course, it had no finish on it, just the smooth pure wood.
Well, now the body of that thing stands on my easel, and I spend hours giving it a face that fits the purpose: His band is called the splatter and gore department, they play death metal and usually have an additional band member operating the barbeque on stage. So the way to go was: blood and flesh galore, make the thing look really horrible, but with the tongue in cheek.
Now, here are some photos of the process.
This is what the body looked like after applying several very thin layers of white acrylic paint:
Before I went back to it today, it looked like this:

And now I'm going back to work on it for the rest of the night. Next steps are:
- Getting the whole thing covered in paint, so I get an impression of what it'll look like in the end
- Adding cool shades and blue-ish relections for more depth
- Adding loads of tiny detail, like maggots, scars, and blood vessels of all kind.
If this guitar turns out well, that is, if it still sounds as awesome after the painting is finished as it did before, we're planning to make some more guitars together, and that might even include desgning a new body shape instead of using a pre-made body that the world knows already.
As you can imagine, I'm pretty excited!
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